Things I couldn’t find elsewhere


Climate variability in Northern Europe

A report from the World Bank is making rounds in media today. While portraying catastrophic scenarios, it contains no new actual research and is simply extrapolating statistical possibilities. Unfortunately the media headlines aren’t really reflecting the content - not unusual regardless of the topic. However, it does give me an opportunity to post about some actual research that has taken place since the last IPCC report, while we wait for the new one to come out next year.

Climatechange · Globalwarming · Scandinavia · Science · Uncategorized

3 minutes

Availability cascades

An availability cascade is a self-sustaining chain of events, which may start from media reports of a relatively minor event and lead up to public panic and large-scale government action. On some occasions, a media story about a risk catches the attention of a segment of the public, which becomes aroused and worried. This emotional reaction becomes a story in itself, prompting additional coverage in the media, which in turn produces greater concern and involvement.

Book · Climatechange · Consciousness · English · Globalwarming · Science · Uncategorized

2 minutes

Singularity Summit 2009 - report

(In Swedish at least for the time being. To view the tweets in English I wrote during the conference, use this search) Jag var på Singularity Summit 2009 i helgen som gick, och publicerade mina någorlunda hastigt nedskrivna tankar om det efteråt. Klicka på länken för att läsa ;) edit: The videos of the presentations are now available

Consciousness · Culture · Science · Simulation · Swedish · Transhumanism · Uncategorized · Virtualreality

1 minute

Science and peer review

Here is the text broken up into paragraphs: In our daily exposure to science, we’ve been told that there exists a quality metric that allows us to distinguish between "bad science" and "good science". Peer review; the concept of scientific works being sent to certain publications, where editors then asks other scientists in (hopefully) related fields for their opinions, and if the paper "passes" it will be published. Some publications are taken to be "better" than others at this, and there’s a sense of pride and justification between scientists depending on how many papers, and where, they’ve managed to get published through the peer review process.

Climatechange · English · Globalwarming · Media · Science · Uncategorized

2 minutes

You’re not charging me - I choose to pay

I’m currently paying [a group of people]( "a group of people") to further a political agenda I find important I’m currently paying [someone]( "someone") to continue digging into the facts behind important political decisions I’m currently paying [the initiator of a cause]( "the initiator of a cause") to continue exposing myths that otherwise might be used as support in creating an authoritarian super-state or economic system … by choice It’s likely that I would be doing the same with other things as well, music and various forms of entertainment comes to mind, if opportunity arose.

Business · Climatechange · English · Fascism · Globalwarming · P2p · Pirateparty · Uncategorized

1 minute

The scariest thing I know

…is this diagram. It’s from [probably the best climate blog]( "probably the best climate blog") I’ve ever read, and while there’s no question of the author’s own opinions it’s very well researched throughout. [While I’ve claimed]( "While I’ve claimed") the sun to be the culprit behind not only most other climate shifts in history, but also the latest slight warming (that stopped in 1998!), it’s from reading Watt’s entries I’ve become more than sure.

Climatechange · English · Globalwarming · Uncategorized

1 minute

“Thus, we need to abandon the Kyoto process”

I’ve just spent 1.5h this day before Christmas Eve doing something I wholeheartedly recommend everyone else to do as well - reading Bjorn Lomborg’s book on climate change. Named “Cool It” (and yes, while I am a quick reader it is quite short) it makes an excellent case explaining that even though humans indeed cause some of the climate change in the world our response to that should be to basically continue on the same path as we already are instead of throwing money on projects like Kyoto that actually might cause more harm than good.

Book · Climatechange · English · Globalwarming · Uncategorized

2 minutes

Trafikfarliga poliser

Uppföljning: Efter att jag hade skrivit det här inlägget skickade jag även ett mail till Skånepolisen där jag ifrågasatte hur trafikpoliser fick bete sig i trafiken. Idag 2007-07-17 blev jag uppringd av deras chef. Han tackade för att jag hade skickat in min upplevelse av händelsen, och han hade diskuterat den med den berörda polisen. Jag har precis fått en "lektion i körvett" av en uppkäftig motorcykelpolis med stockholmsdialekt. Det sistnämnda är absolut relevant då han gnällde på "hur det körs i Malmö".

Police · Swedish · Uncategorized · Whine

3 minutes

SAS - inte så skandinaviskt

Jag får inte se mina resor på De går inte att hitta. På går det däremot bra. Skillnaden är att jag på den sistnämnda siten får lov att själv skriva in efternamnet när jag söker - och kan välja att göra det med ‘a’ istället för ‘å’ Det kan jag inte på De anser att jag behöver skicka in intyg från folkbokföringen (!) för att kunna ändra stavningen på mitt efternamn.

Swedish · Uncategorized · Whine

1 minute

Are XboxLive accounts hackable?

There have been rumours about this for quite some time, but it’s getting traction now. Here’s what a quick search resulted in this morning: 2006-09-09: Okay so I’ve had my xbox live account hacked several times, all I know is you need to be monitoring the incoming IP’s to get there IP then I have no clue. 2007-03-11: My game tag was stolen and $80+ was used to buy MS points.

Console · English · Support · Uncategorized · Xbox

2 minutes