Things I couldn’t find elsewhere

The scariest thing I know

Climatechange · English · Globalwarming · Uncategorized

1 minute

…is this diagram. It’s from [probably the best climate blog]( "probably the best climate blog") I’ve ever read, and while there’s no question of the author’s own opinions it’s very well researched throughout. [While I’ve claimed]( "While I’ve claimed") the sun to be the culprit behind not only most other climate shifts in history, but also the latest slight warming (that stopped in 1998!), it’s from reading Watt’s entries I’ve become more than sure.

However, the alarming signs that we might be looking at a global freeze - soon - instead of some nice warming is terrifying. Cold is a lot worse than warmth for human society - something [Bjorn Lomborg has laid out nicely in his latest book]( "Bjorn Lomborg has laid out nicely in his latest book").

Something .. switched off? (Oh, btw. We’re also looking [at a really quiet sun]( "at a really quiet sun") - sunspot wise - and the last time the sun was really really quiet the Thames in London froze over …

edit: This entry has been updated with a later graph since first published