Things I couldn’t find elsewhere


The delta between an LLM and consciousness

With Facebook’s release of LLaMa, and the subsequent work done with its models by the open community, it’s now possible to run a state of the art “GPT-3 class” LLM on regular consumer hardware. The 13B model, quantized to 4-bit, runs fine on a GPU with ~9GB free VRAM. I spent 40 minutes chatting with one yesterday, and the experience was almost flawless. So why is Troed playing around with locally hosted LLM “chatbots”?

AGI · AI · English · LLM · Transhumanism · Uncategorized

3 minutes

Fountain of Youth - the two month update

Today it’s exactly two months since I started on my "Elysium Basis" regime. Since quite a few of my friends have asked me to write an update on my thoughts about it - here it is. I’m still of the opinion that I have more energy. I’m also confident in the "smoother skin" effect, although I’m unsure as to whether it’s because it actually is or if I just, for some reason, experience it to be.

English · Transhumanism · Uncategorized

2 minutes

Fountain of youth

“it’s better to burn out than to fade away” (From Neil Young’s My My, Hey Hey - and known for being quoted by Kurt Cobain in his suicide note) I remember my teenage years well. I also remember voicing the opinion above, along with other things along the lines of “life ends at 30”. I’m 42, almost to the day. I have no intention whatsoever of fading away. I consider myself a transhumanist, and I spent some time being a board member of the Swedish subcategory of Humanity+.

English · Transhumanism · Uncategorized

3 minutes


Seasonal Affective Disorder - SAD. wikipedia also known as winter depression, winter blues […] or seasonal depression, was considered a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter […] I’ve known for years the difference in how happy I am during the warm nice summer, short as it is in Sweden, and the slightly more introvert and quiet me during the long dark winter months.

English · SAD · Science · SSRI · Transhumanism · Uncategorized

3 minutes

What does a digital nation state look like?

Swedish news papers are launching digital versions on Apple’s iPad - and seem to be somewhat surprised that they’re now going to have to comply with a set of rules that are very different from what they’re usually operating under. Spotify’s music library reflects a specific set of values, morality and legal system no matter where the listeners are and what they expect. Citizens used to having rights according to their chosen nation state find that when they move more and more of their lives onto the digital arena those rights are replaced with Terms of Services that reflect corporate and cultural values.

Bigbrother · Culture · English · Fascism · Internet · Newworldorder · Pirateparty · Spotify · Transhumanism

2 minutes

Singularity Summit 2009 - report

(In Swedish at least for the time being. To view the tweets in English I wrote during the conference, use this search) Jag var på Singularity Summit 2009 i helgen som gick, och publicerade mina någorlunda hastigt nedskrivna tankar om det efteråt. Klicka på länken för att läsa ;) edit: The videos of the presentations are now available

Consciousness · Culture · Science · Simulation · Swedish · Transhumanism · Uncategorized · Virtualreality

1 minute

How do you live a life forever?

If you belong to generation [X]( "X"), this might apply to you. If you belong to generation [Y]( "Y") or the mythical [Z]( "Z"), it most certainly does. The question is, are we already seeing the effects without even knowing it, and what would be the cause? "This", of course, being the likelyhood of advancements in science ([biological]( "biological") & [technical]( "technical")) in effect creating the opportunity for some to live forever.

English · Simulation · Transhumanism

3 minutes

The Matrix had it all wrong

Yes, humans are going to end up in life sustaining pods, fed nutrients through an automatic delivery system and with our nervous system connected to a huge computer network. The reason, however, is that it’s the natural progression from what we’re already doing today. We want to be always online, always connected, get real time status updates from friends, logged on to our favourite social networks and games wherever we are.

English · Internet · Simulation · Transhumanism · Virtualreality

1 minute

Det virtuella sociala livet

Erik Starck skriver ett mycket välformulerat inlägg ang. varför förflyttning av vår fysiska kropp i många sammanhang kommer att bli mindre viktigt, framöver. Det är inte bara bostadsmarknaden som kommer att behöva en justering - vad händer med alla dyra kontor när anställda lätt och ledigt kan mötas virtuellt hela dagarna utan att det måste ske i en viss stads centrum?

Internet · Simulation · Swedish · Transhumanism · Virtualreality

1 minute

I am a strange loop

[it’s teh book review]( "I am a strange loop") A few weeks ago I read an interesting book; [I am a strange loop]( "I am a strange loop") - by Douglas Hofstadter. He’s quite famous for earlier works, and this book is supposed to set the record straight regarding some things he felt didn’t came out right earlier. I don’t know - I haven’t read his previous material. I liked this book, however, because it elaborated along the same views that I hold myself regarding the human consciousness - what constitutes an "I".

Book · Consciousness · English · Transhumanism

2 minutes