Bitcoin - pulling the curtains on computer security
All software contain bugs. All complex software contain numerous bugs. Some of those bugs are security holes. When you hear that a software vendor has found and fixed a security problem that means that somehow that specific bug came up on someone’s radar. People who find these holes for a living, and there are quite a few, sell them to others who then exploit them to create massive botnets, extract credit card information from unsuspecting users or in some cases try to attack online banking accounts.
Bitcoin · English · Internet · Security · Uncategorized
3 minutes
Tabs - the most valuable screen real estate
As I’m writing this, I have 20 tabs open in my web browser. Of those, the five latest are newly opened and temporary part of things I’m currently researching. 15 tabs are fixed, they’re always the same. Those tabs contain the websites I visit everyday, my most important windows into the Internet. Controlling one of those tabs means you control 1/15th of the information flow I receive every day - I can’t think of a more important pathway for any company to fight for.
English · Internet · Uncategorized
1 minute
Följande text skrev jag den 5e september 2003 för eventuell publikation i en svensk tidning. Såvitt jag kommer ihåg skedde aldrig det, och eftersom jag nyligen oväntat stötte på den på en gammal del av hårddisken återpublicerar jag den här nu. Man kan tycka att den är väldigt aktuell med tanke på att straffskatten på inspelningsbar media - hårddiskar m.m - höjs igen den 1e april I veckan som gick annonserade Universal ut att de ska sänka priserna på CD-skivor.
Internet · Media · Pirateparty · Swedish
2 minutes
What does a digital nation state look like?
Swedish news papers are launching digital versions on Apple’s iPad - and seem to be somewhat surprised that they’re now going to have to comply with a set of rules that are very different from what they’re usually operating under. Spotify’s music library reflects a specific set of values, morality and legal system no matter where the listeners are and what they expect. Citizens used to having rights according to their chosen nation state find that when they move more and more of their lives onto the digital arena those rights are replaced with Terms of Services that reflect corporate and cultural values.
Bigbrother · Culture · English · Fascism · Internet · Newworldorder · Pirateparty · Spotify · Transhumanism
2 minutes
Piratpartiet - för dig som gillar Hem och Skola?
Idag lät Sydsvenskan ungdomar bedöma valaffischer - vilket en del verkar förlöjliga eftersom ungdomspanelen så tydligt uttrycker helt andra åsikter än de politiskt rationella i sina val. Ungdomarna har dock så klart rätt, det är precis så irrationellt - emotionellt - vi bedömer den typen av korta budskap. Eftersom jag nyligen läst en alldeles utmärkt bok på området, Made to Stick, gick jag själv genom affischerna och blev lite överraskad över hur dåligt underlag några av partierna måste ha bakom sina budskap.
Forum · Internet · Participation · Pirateparty · Swedish · Val2010
4 minutes
Piratkopiering lagligt enligt polisen
Häromdagen råkade ett svenskt par ut för att någon kopierade ett fotografiskt verk de skapat och använde utan korrekt licens. När rättighetsinnehavarna, paret ifråga, kontaktade polisen fick de till svar att det inte är brottsligt att använda andras bilder på Internet. Intressant. Även om fotografier har en egen liten lagkonstruktion för att anses nå verkshöjd så skiljer inte upphovsrättslagstiftningen på huruvida saker händer via Internet eller inte, så polisens svar måste kunna anses gälla all form av kopiering av verk - och därmed även musik, filmer m.
Internet · Media · Pirateparty · Police · Swedish
1 minute
While I’m sure I’m going to cross post some of the things I write about, the more mobile related posts will appear at Sony Ericsson blogs instead of here. I’ve kicked off with a post on It’s not about smartphones - on how some of the new devices on the market differ in their actual usage from what we’ve seen before and what that might mean.
Business · English · Internet · Mobile
1 minute
_Speed of information - or - don’t kill my Intarnetz! Browsing through news that’s relevant for me, through the excellent Google Reader, it’s becoming increasingly common to see audio and video links show up. I realise why there’s an interest from the publisher of the information to create a stronger emotional bond, and the possibility for some exclusive variant of the content, through more advanced (?) means of communication. There’s indeed a difference in how we respond to information depending on how it reached us.
English · Internet · Media · Web20
2 minutes
Here is the text broken up into paragraphs: I’ll admit, I hadn’t read [Getting Things Done]( "Getting Things Done") until now. Sorry. I guess I never got around to do it. Luckily, I seem to be half a GTD’er to start with - which means the topic of security in this context has been on my mind for quite some time. While it’s not something swept under the rug completely (one example being the steps taken by [Evernote](http://blog.
Cloudcomputing · English · Evernote · Gtd · Internet · Security · Web20
3 minutes
Blogs are nothing but distributed forum threads
Here is the text broken up into paragraphs: I like forums. They’re a one stop place for me to go to read up on various subjects, comment on them and read comments from others. The thread starter participates in the comments, and you refer to other similar threads or branch off if (when) the discussion becomes off topic. Blogs are nothing more than distributed forum threads. There’s a thread starter and comments, but the threads are grouped together by author or by subject, while on a forum threads usually span a wider subject area.
Blogs · English · Forum · Internet · Meev
3 minutes