Are XboxLive accounts hackable?
There have been rumours about this for quite some time, but it’s getting traction now. Here’s what a quick search resulted in this morning: 2006-09-09: Okay so I’ve had my xbox live account hacked several times, all I know is you need to be monitoring the incoming IP’s to get there IP then I have no clue. 2007-03-11: My game tag was stolen and $80+ was used to buy MS points.
Console · English · Support · Uncategorized · Xbox
2 minutes
I’ve just finished watching The Great Global Warming Swindle - a Channel 4 documentary that basically states that something we’ve begun taking for granted, is really resting on shaky scientific grounds. YouTube link Key arguments: CO2 in the atmosphere lags behind temperature changes by about 800 years. It’s the old "correlation does not equal causation" again - there might indeed be causation between CO2 and temperature, it’s just the other way around.
Climatechange · English · Globalwarming · Uncategorized
1 minute
Will the “free” net survive 2007?
Targeted trojans - businesses connected to the Internet, no matter what A/V-solutions and firewalls they use - are at the risk of having their internal information extracted Peer 2 Peer video - this will completely kill the bandwidth home users think they are paying for, but doesn’t really exist if they all try to use it all at once Nationwide blocking of domains due to different laws - this could fragment the Internet into "the internets" sooner than we think
1 minute