Things I couldn’t find elsewhere

Think about what you believe

Book · Consciousness · English · Funny · Transhumanism

1 minute

[it’s teh book review] I’ve just finished reading Don’t Believe Everything You Think: The 6 Basic Mistakes We Make in Thinking - a book dealing with the common mistakes us humans often make when judging events in the world around us. Depending on how much you already know about those pitfalls the book might be anything from a yawn to a revelation.

Myself, I thought I knew more than I did. I’ll actually have to modify some of my own views on events concerning myself, which I guess makes the book worthwhile reading all in itself.

It’s hard to extract a single thing that might raise your interest, but I’ll try: We tend to associate the color black with evil. […] all the teams in the NFL and NHL who wore black uniforms were penalized more than the average of the other teams. In fact, switching to black can actually increase the penalties given to a team._

Do you like wearing black clothes?

PS: There are actually a few excellent managements tips on group dynamics in the book as well. Combine recreation, self-improvement and work efficiency all at once!