Creativity surplus as virtual work
In the spring of 2008 I sat in the audience at Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, watching Clay Shirky on stage. His talk about the cognitive heat sink, on how television had disrupted humanity from spending large parts of our time on being creative, on producing things we wanted to produce, to being simple receivers of information pre-packaged by someone else made a huge impact. Shirky compared the amount of hours we spend watching TV with projects like Wikipedia, and hinted at a future where instead of watching TV we would use our creativity to create other projects like it.
English · Gamification · Minecraft · Participation · Simulation
3 minutes
Singularity Summit 2009 - report
(In Swedish at least for the time being. To view the tweets in English I wrote during the conference, use this search) Jag var på Singularity Summit 2009 i helgen som gick, och publicerade mina någorlunda hastigt nedskrivna tankar om det efteråt. Klicka på länken för att läsa ;) edit: The videos of the presentations are now available
Consciousness · Culture · Science · Simulation · Swedish · Transhumanism · Uncategorized · Virtualreality
1 minute
How do you live a life forever?
If you belong to generation [X]( "X"), this might apply to you. If you belong to generation [Y]( "Y") or the mythical [Z]( "Z"), it most certainly does. The question is, are we already seeing the effects without even knowing it, and what would be the cause? "This", of course, being the likelyhood of advancements in science ([biological]( "biological") & [technical]( "technical")) in effect creating the opportunity for some to live forever.
English · Simulation · Transhumanism
3 minutes
Yes, humans are going to end up in life sustaining pods, fed nutrients through an automatic delivery system and with our nervous system connected to a huge computer network. The reason, however, is that it’s the natural progression from what we’re already doing today. We want to be always online, always connected, get real time status updates from friends, logged on to our favourite social networks and games wherever we are.
English · Internet · Simulation · Transhumanism · Virtualreality
1 minute
Erik Starck skriver ett mycket välformulerat inlägg ang. varför förflyttning av vår fysiska kropp i många sammanhang kommer att bli mindre viktigt, framöver. Det är inte bara bostadsmarknaden som kommer att behöva en justering - vad händer med alla dyra kontor när anställda lätt och ledigt kan mötas virtuellt hela dagarna utan att det måste ske i en viss stads centrum?
Internet · Simulation · Swedish · Transhumanism · Virtualreality
1 minute