Things I couldn’t find elsewhere


You’re not charging me - I choose to pay

I’m currently paying [a group of people]( "a group of people") to further a political agenda I find important I’m currently paying [someone]( "someone") to continue digging into the facts behind important political decisions I’m currently paying [the initiator of a cause]( "the initiator of a cause") to continue exposing myths that otherwise might be used as support in creating an authoritarian super-state or economic system … by choice It’s likely that I would be doing the same with other things as well, music and various forms of entertainment comes to mind, if opportunity arose.

Business · Climatechange · English · Fascism · Globalwarming · P2p · Pirateparty · Uncategorized

1 minute

Rikspolisstyrelsen ger oss rätt!

Många är vi som muttrat om att ökad övervakning och frihetsinskränkning införs med motiveringar som är svåra att våga säga emot - men som senare riskerar att användas för helt andra syften. Rikspolisstyrelsen har nu visat att vi haft rätt hela tiden. I ett ovanligt öppet missbrukande av makt tänker de lägga The Piratebay i det såkallade "Barnpornografifilter" som de flesta svenska ISPer "frivilligt" följer (hur frivilligt nu det kan tänkas vara, med tanke på tidningsrubrikerna som följer på att stå emot).

Bigbrother · Fascism · Internet · P2p · Swedish

1 minute

Will the “free” net survive 2007?

Targeted trojans - businesses connected to the Internet, no matter what A/V-solutions and firewalls they use - are at the risk of having their internal information extracted Peer 2 Peer video - this will completely kill the bandwidth home users think they are paying for, but doesn’t really exist if they all try to use it all at once Nationwide blocking of domains due to different laws - this could fragment the Internet into "the internets" sooner than we think

English · Internet · P2p

1 minute