Bluetooth and Home Assistant in rootless docker
If I remember correctly, at one point my Home Assistant (H-A from now on) installation started complaining on the Bluetooth component not starting up correctly. Since I wasn’t using Bluetooth (the server doesn’t even have the hardware for it) I just ignored it. Until a few days ago. I wanted to start playing with ESPHome, and that integration has the Bluetooth component as a required dependency. Lots of searching later, I did have some clues.
Docker · English · Home Assistant · Linux · Rootless · Uncategorized
3 minutes
Rootless Docker and home folder shenanigans
Docker is a powerful tool for managing and deploying applications, but it can sometimes be frustrating to work with. In this post, I want to share my experience with a recent issue I had with rootless Docker, and what I did to resolve it. I was working on a project when I suddenly realized that a Dockerfile wouldn’t build on my regular desktop user account. Any command that I ran after the FROM command would just spit out “invalid argument”.
Docker · English · Uncategorized
2 minutes