Sony - please don’t punish good customers!
A few days ago I bought my second Playstation 3. Mostly for use as a media centre, but of course with the intent of using it for gaming as well. It’s nice having more than one room playstation-enabled. However, even though I must be considered a sucker^H^H^H^H^Hgood loyal customer, I feel somewhat punished. Sony does allow me to re-download all the content I’ve bought online to my new PS3 as well (I believe the actual limit is five separate systems), but there seems to be no added benefit of having two PS3s on the same network.
Console · English · Ps3 · Whine
1 minute
Are XboxLive accounts hackable?
There have been rumours about this for quite some time, but it’s getting traction now. Here’s what a quick search resulted in this morning: 2006-09-09: Okay so I’ve had my xbox live account hacked several times, all I know is you need to be monitoring the incoming IP’s to get there IP then I have no clue. 2007-03-11: My game tag was stolen and $80+ was used to buy MS points.
Console · English · Support · Uncategorized · Xbox
2 minutes