Things I couldn’t find elsewhere


Spotify - liberation or DRM-hell?

Spotify, seen by many as the music service Napster should’ve been and thus would have saved us from the last 10 years of evil piracy, has a darker side to it as well. To understand, let’s do some history: First, one of the suggestions from the media industry on how to "solve the piracy problem" (that still hasn’t been shown to exist, worth noting) has been to create a "broadband tax".

Business · English · Itunes · Media · Mobile · Pirateparty · Spotify

3 minutes

Another blog, another place

While I’m sure I’m going to cross post some of the things I write about, the more mobile related posts will appear at Sony Ericsson blogs instead of here. I’ve kicked off with a post on It’s not about smartphones - on how some of the new devices on the market differ in their actual usage from what we’ve seen before and what that might mean.

Business · English · Internet · Mobile

1 minute

You’re not charging me - I choose to pay

I’m currently paying [a group of people]( "a group of people") to further a political agenda I find important I’m currently paying [someone]( "someone") to continue digging into the facts behind important political decisions I’m currently paying [the initiator of a cause]( "the initiator of a cause") to continue exposing myths that otherwise might be used as support in creating an authoritarian super-state or economic system … by choice It’s likely that I would be doing the same with other things as well, music and various forms of entertainment comes to mind, if opportunity arose.

Business · Climatechange · English · Fascism · Globalwarming · P2p · Pirateparty · Uncategorized

1 minute