Things I couldn’t find elsewhere


Bitcoin - pulling the curtains on computer security

All software contain bugs. All complex software contain numerous bugs. Some of those bugs are security holes. When you hear that a software vendor has found and fixed a security problem that means that somehow that specific bug came up on someone’s radar. People who find these holes for a living, and there are quite a few, sell them to others who then exploit them to create massive botnets, extract credit card information from unsuspecting users or in some cases try to attack online banking accounts.

Bitcoin · English · Internet · Security · Uncategorized

3 minutes

Sustainable economics

Bitcoin press has gone through the roof in the last few weeks. So has the exchange rate between traditional currencies and bitcoins - a fact that has seen as many different explanations as I’ve seen people wrapping their heads around the Bitcoin concept and writing about it. One of the explanations is that there’s a cap on the number of bitcoins that will ever be produced - 21 million (divisible to eight decimals).

Bitcoin · Consumerism · Deflation · Economics · English · Sustainability · Uncategorized

2 minutes