Things I couldn’t find elsewhere


Not all that shines is gold

Apple might like to polish their user interfaces, but sometimes the logic underneath is … less polished. I’ve had to transfer large amounts of data from one external USB disk to another today. Running Snow Leopard on an Intel Mac Mini. Guess which one of the following graphs show the faster method? ![]( "osx_finder_file_copy") ![]( "osx_finder_file_copy") Apparently OSX Finder does read-to-mem, write-to-disk, read-to-mem, write-to-disk - serially. Path Finder, a replacement, is thus twice as fast since it transfers the data in a synchronous read-write operation.

Apple · English · Finder · Osx · Pathfinder

1 minute

Singularity Summit 2009 - report

(In Swedish at least for the time being. To view the tweets in English I wrote during the conference, use this search) Jag var på Singularity Summit 2009 i helgen som gick, och publicerade mina någorlunda hastigt nedskrivna tankar om det efteråt. Klicka på länken för att läsa ;) edit: The videos of the presentations are now available

Consciousness · Culture · Science · Simulation · Swedish · Transhumanism · Uncategorized · Virtualreality

1 minute

Spotify - liberation or DRM-hell?

Spotify, seen by many as the music service Napster should’ve been and thus would have saved us from the last 10 years of evil piracy, has a darker side to it as well. To understand, let’s do some history: First, one of the suggestions from the media industry on how to "solve the piracy problem" (that still hasn’t been shown to exist, worth noting) has been to create a "broadband tax".

Business · English · Itunes · Media · Mobile · Pirateparty · Spotify

3 minutes

Another blog, another place

While I’m sure I’m going to cross post some of the things I write about, the more mobile related posts will appear at Sony Ericsson blogs instead of here. I’ve kicked off with a post on It’s not about smartphones - on how some of the new devices on the market differ in their actual usage from what we’ve seen before and what that might mean.

Business · English · Internet · Mobile

1 minute

Twitter, trees and culture

A pretty informal study made the global headlines a week back about how 40% of everything posted to Twitter amounts to just "pointless babble". That conclusion is seriously flawed, and likely stems from a misunderstanding on how humans communicate. Our consciousness has very low bandwidth. Exactly how low is hard to measure, but in The User Illusion author Tor Nørretranders argues it to be around 16 bits-or-so per second. Thus, when humans communicate we do so trying to guess as to how many bits we need to use to get our full message across to another person, and that requires us to share a lot of background information.

Book · Consciousness · Culture · English · Twitter

2 minutes

Science and peer review

Here is the text broken up into paragraphs: In our daily exposure to science, we’ve been told that there exists a quality metric that allows us to distinguish between "bad science" and "good science". Peer review; the concept of scientific works being sent to certain publications, where editors then asks other scientists in (hopefully) related fields for their opinions, and if the paper "passes" it will be published. Some publications are taken to be "better" than others at this, and there’s a sense of pride and justification between scientists depending on how many papers, and where, they’ve managed to get published through the peer review process.

Climatechange · English · Globalwarming · Media · Science · Uncategorized

2 minutes

Negative tip

I have a problem. While the culture of giving something extra for good service, tipping, varies greatly between countries, I’ve so far found no solution to the problem of being given bad service. It doesn’t matter if the local culture practically mandates a tip or if it’s just considered to be something you do when you feel you’ve been given something "extra" - I’m unable to in a culturally satisfactory way show if I’m displepleased.

Culture · English · Tipping

2 minutes

Angående politikens framtida riktning

Jag röstade pirat i EU-parlamentsvalet 7e juni 2009 Nyckeln till att kunna rösta pirat även i riksdagsvalet 2010, och i nästa EU-parlamentsval, ligger i att kunna förklara det skifte som redan har inträffat inom politiken både för våra egna väljare och för media (blogsfären såväl som di gamle). Skiftet jag pratar om är att det inte längre var det ekonomiska synsättet på politik som var den dominerande valfrågan för Piratpartiets väljarskara.

Bigbrother · Fascism · Pirateparty · Swedish

3 minutes

Speed of information

_Speed of information - or - don’t kill my Intarnetz! Browsing through news that’s relevant for me, through the excellent Google Reader, it’s becoming increasingly common to see audio and video links show up. I realise why there’s an interest from the publisher of the information to create a stronger emotional bond, and the possibility for some exclusive variant of the content, through more advanced (?) means of communication. There’s indeed a difference in how we respond to information depending on how it reached us.

English · Internet · Media · Web20

2 minutes

You’re not charging me - I choose to pay

I’m currently paying [a group of people]( "a group of people") to further a political agenda I find important I’m currently paying [someone]( "someone") to continue digging into the facts behind important political decisions I’m currently paying [the initiator of a cause]( "the initiator of a cause") to continue exposing myths that otherwise might be used as support in creating an authoritarian super-state or economic system … by choice It’s likely that I would be doing the same with other things as well, music and various forms of entertainment comes to mind, if opportunity arose.

Business · Climatechange · English · Fascism · Globalwarming · P2p · Pirateparty · Uncategorized

1 minute